Brendon wrote that what we see when we look at a webpage depends on our perspective.  As web developers we look at a site and see all the aspects that make the whole, while others can look at the page and just see a picture.  Then they judge the site by whether the picture appeals to them, rather than by how effective the site will be as a tool.

We’ve long argued that you can treat your website as a business expense, or as a business investment. If you look at it as a picture, then its an expense. If you look at all the aspects that define how the site will perform, it becomes an investment – hopefully a profitable one!

Look at your site as an Employee!

I’ve just thought of a new angle – consider your site to be another employee for your business. You want it to work for you and make money for you, don’t you? So…

  • Find an employment agency
    • Meaning your web development company
  • They'll GROW your perfect employee
    • When you hire an employee, you have to pick one from all the applicants
    • Imagine you could grow one based on your specialised requirements!
  • Put your new employee to work
    • Your vat-grown employee can take on any persona you define, to better represent your business,
    • Can work tirelessly 24 hours a day,
    • Is the perfect salesperson to attract and field initial enquiries,
    • Will follow your instructions to convert enquiries to sales!

How cool would a vat-grown employee be? One who can do all of the above?  One who you pay to have grown, who doesn't ask for a weekly wage to keep working for you?

Well, that can be your website!